$ docker operate hello-world Incapable to discover image 'hello-world:latest' in your area most recent: Pulling from library/hello-world ca4f61b1923c: Pull complete Digest: sha256:ca0eeb6fb05351dfc8759c20733c91def84cb8007aa89a5bf606bc8b315b9fc7 Position: Downloaded newer picture for hello-world:latest Hello there from Docker! This message shows that your set up seems to be working properly. Excel Cannot Open The Attachments .xlsx In Office 2016 For Mac

$ docker operate hello-world Incapable to discover image 'hello-world:latest' in your area most recent: Pulling from library/hello-world ca4f61b1923c: Pull complete Digest: sha256:ca0eeb6fb05351dfc8759c20733c91def84cb8007aa89a5bf606bc8b315b9fc7 Position: Downloaded newer picture for hello-world:latest Hello there from Docker! This message shows that your set up seems to be working properly. 0041d406d9 Excel Cannot Open The Attachments .xlsx In Office 2016 For Mac

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